1948 / 1960 / 1972 / 1984 / 1996 / 2008 / 2020

Year of The Rat

The rat is celebrated for its quick wit, resourcefulness, and adaptability. It symbolizes intelligence and resilience, navigating challenges with agility and an ever-curious spirit


1949 / 1961 / 1973 / 1985 / 1997 / 2009 / 2021

Year of The Ox

The ox is honored for its diligence, strength, and unwavering determination. It symbolizes resilience, reliability and steadfast endurance through any challenge.


1950 / 1962 / 1974 / 1986 / 1998 / 2010 / 2022

Year of The Tiger

The tiger is known for its bravery, confidence, and fierce determination. It symbolizes power and ambition, fearlessly conquering any challenge.


1951 / 1963 / 1975 / 1987 / 1999 / 2011 / 2023

Year of The Rabbit

The rabbit is celebrated for its quiet grace, elegance, and gentle kindness. It symbolizes wisdom and responsibility, navigating life with patience and a compassionate heart.


1952 / 1964 / 1976 / 1988 / 2000 / 2012 / 2024

Year of The Dragon

The dragon is revered for its confidence, intelligence, and boundless enthusiasm. It symbolizes power and wisdom.


1953 / 1965 / 1977 / 1989 / 2001 / 2013 / 2025

Year of The Snake

The snake is believed to be enigmatic, intelligent, and wise. It symbolizes mystery and transformation, encouraging a graceful shedding of the old to embrace new beginnings.


1954 / 1966 / 1978 / 1990 / 2002 / 2014 / 2026

Year of The Horse

The horse is known for its strength, speed, and unyielding spirit. It symbolizes perseverance and freedom, charging forward with unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in its path.


1955 / 1967 / 1979 / 1991 / 2003 / 2015 / 2027

Year of The Goat

The goat is known for its calm nature, gentle heart, and deep sympathy. It symbolizes peace and compassion, moving through life with quiet strength and kindness.


1956 / 1968 / 1980 / 1992 / 2004 / 2016 / 2028

Year of The Monkey

The monkey is admired for its sharp mind, quick wit, and boundless curiosity. It symbolizes intelligence and adaptability.


1957 / 1969 / 1981 / 1993 / 2005 / 2017 / 2029

Year of The Rooster

The rooster is known for its keen observation, relentless hard work, and bold courage. It symbolizes perseverance, rising with confidence to face every new day.


1958 / 1970 / 1982 / 1994 / 2006 / 2018 / 2030

Year of The Dog

The dog is known for its loyalty, honesty, and prudent nature. It symbolizes trust and protection, always standing by with commitment.


1959 / 1971 / 1983 / 1995 / 2007 / 2019 / 2031

Year of The Pig

The pig is admired for its compassion, generosity, and diligent nature. It symbolizes abundance and kindness, working steadily to create a life of harmony.
